ARAMAKI homepage, completed!
Homepage has been completed that has been preparing for some time!
How do we meet salmon boxes and how they face each other?
It is the role of this site to tell everyone what ARAMAKI does and it seems to be simple and it wants to do.
It was not easy to express it with visuals and texts, but I met with my friends who support me while continuing activities, so I was able to make it in this way.
I think that information such as future events and exhibitions will be sent from Facebook and Instagram centering on the homepage.
We are glad if you can see the site to every corner.
Tomohiko Murakami
Shinya Shikagawa
Edit|Yoko Kawamura
Art Direction & Design|Shin Sasaki・Manami Ishida(3KG)
Photos / Videos|Mihoko Tsujita
Translation|Mihoko Tsujita、Jon Cartwright
Special Thanks|Michiko Murakami、Yoko Shikagawa